Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Old but still there.......

The first thing I did this year was gathering with all my old friends in primary school. It was a nice outing with all of them. It was 1st Jan 2009. Actually the date was already planned in 1999 before we graduated in standard 6. Together all the students and the class teacher decided the date. At that time, I was thinking whether we will have the chance to meet again or not because it was such a long time. Of course, before we all meet up on 1st Jan, we have a small gathering sometimes within the 10 years but not all the students show up. Lets not to talk about the gathering within the 10 years. On 1st Jan that day, our beloved teacher, Mrs. Chong who used to beat us during primary school was the earlier one to reach first. I still remember we have around 35 students in the class but this time only 15 students showed up. Some others lost contact while some were not able to come. When we meet up, it is interesting to listen to all the different life story from all of us. Ya, congrate to one of our mate who had become someone's husband. And another one going to marry on Valentine's day but sadly i can't attend her party. It was fascinating to see them growing from a small kids to young mature adult. Not to mention about me. We had dinner together that day and we spent some valuable time together. We will still keep in touch and the teacher had already planned another gathering date which is another 10 years or more precisely, 1st Jan 2019. The reason why this time we have to wait so long again is because Mrs. Chong said that within this 10 years, we sure have the chance to meet up because during this time, an average people will get marry according to her, so, we will have the chance to meet up in the wedding dinner. haha......I think everyone have to spend a lot in 'ang pow'. Mates, keep in touch ya.......here are some of the highlights:

Mrs. Chong with all the young womans
All still look the same

Mrs. Chong with all the guys
and a young husband

Steamboat at Klang

Final shot.....smile everyone

1 comment:

  1. What a dissapointment! i did not show myself there > <
