Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My model assignment......Cubion

This assignment was actually given by my lecturer back to many weeks ago, but we couldn't do much with it since there are also other assignments due in between but this is the earliest assignment we get. We have to prepare a report and a model. The topic is to design a green building in different climate in different topography for different groups. My group get the urban area in tropical climate. For all the weeks before we started on the model, we worked on the report first while designing our building before starting to build.Last two weeks ago, we started to collect materials for the model.

We started to work on the model and it took us around 1 week plus to finish the model until the day before we present. The model making was time consuming and you really need good planning before start. We have faced some problems on the technique to make the model but somehow we still managed to solve it out and that's it, the model named "Cubion" was born. Credit go to our lecturers who was guiding us throughout the assignment. Thanks a lot! Hopefully we still have chance to do model for the coming semester, although it is kinda stress to do it but we enjoy the process of making it. Wish we can do better one next time.


  1. yala, I described d still ask....lolx....interested?

  2. Very hard to believed ma..so detailed, tak macam handmade de..i tot machine made wan..geng geng~

    Yeah, interested..but i wan a real one with that look..can ah? XD

  3. Bravo!!finally all the hard work paid..congratz!!

  4. thank u amy, swanadol: hard to believe ah?haha......lolz.how can make with machine.....

  5. Haha..nice lo, nice lo..i wan one real house like dat one can ar?? hehe..
